And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anais Nin

Rosebud wellness

Rosebud Wellness is a metaphor for the stages we walk through to grow into our potential. Planting seeds requires patience, but ultimately insists that you sit with the uncomfortable parts of yourself in order to fully emerge from spaces of feeling incomplete.

When one first embarks on the journey of healing, it requires immense vulnerability and courage to give yourself permission to sprout above ground in the pursuit of happiness (to bloom). But above all, it invokes the truth that you cannot feel complete unless you sit honestly with yourself. To identify the ways you enable internal patterns that keep you stuck (tight in a bud), leading you towards the choice to evolve (bloom), or remain covered and rooted in your old ways.


At Rosebud Wellness, my mission is to hold a safe space to help clients navigate the complexities of the human experience and to give tools they can carry with them every day that will transform their lives.

Massage Services

I am a certified massage therapist who aims to address physical ailments that prevent daily living and identify how emotional well-being may be contributing.

  • A non-invasive massage technique that promotes increased lymph flow, removal of toxins, improved immunity and reduces swelling.

  • Targets chronic tension in muscles that lie far below the body’s surface. Deep muscle techniques involve slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the muscle grain.

  • Swedish technique involves gentle massage strokes to help energize and relax the body. It is known to increase blood flow, decrease cortisol levels, relieve physical tension and raises dopamine and serotonin levels.

  • Cupping is the application of cups that suction the skin drawing blood to the surface. This promotes improved circulation, muscle tension relief, releases stagnant energy and promotes cell repair.



Dive deep into the five senses to bridge the gap between the mind body connection. Package includes reiki, massage, breath work, sound healing, essential oils, guided meditation and a tarot reading.


Reiki, developed in Japan, aids in the natural healing process through intentional touch. Through guidance and intuitive messaging, I will act as an energetic thermostat to identify emotional blockages and release stagnant energy to align and balance the mind and body.

Human Emotion Code

Identify and release trapped emotions preventing energetic balance and keeping you in a pattern. Release old emotions to give your current self a chance to integrate experiences you didn't allow yourself to feel. Gain better human interactions and self understanding.

Sound Healing

This healing modality is the use of instruments and vibration to help harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. It creates a therapeutic atmosphere in order to promote relaxation, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release.

Tarot reading

A card pull or spread to enhance the bond with your intuition and to serve as a guide in your journey toward your highest self.

Guided Meditation

I guide you into your breath and help aid you in enhancing your connection to your present reality with visualization, breath work and movement.


The application of suction cups that draw blood to the surface. Promotes improved circulation, cell repair, muscle tension relief, and releases stagnant energy.